18/04/2023 - 08:33
As an auditor, you are regularly asked this question. The answer is always yes. However, the question is what deadline we are talking about.
In 2021, the competent technical committee ISO/TC 176/SC2 - Quality systems of the International Organization for Standardization, better known as ISO, decided to confirm the 2015 version for another period of 5 years, but at the same time it was also decided to start preparatory work to possibly initiate an early revision. This twin-track policy was the result of the reluctance of a number of countries to add "new" criteria to the ISO 9001 standard during and following the global Covid19 crisis.
Initially, this means that over the past 2 years there has been busy consultation with all stakeholders in which direction the standard should evolve. Sustainability (circular economy) is an important theme here. Although undeniably relevant, this topic is broadly interpretable. Moreover, there are other standards, ISO 14001 for environmental management systems for example, to which this topic at least also links. More related to quality are issues such as continuous change (agility), innovation (management) and artificial intelligence. However, to what extent do these belong in a management system? A small group of experts is currently working on a so-called 'design specification' that should lead to a concrete plan of approach for revision in the course of 2023.
So there are still a lot of questions to clear up and anyone who is a little familiar with the international validation procedures of the ISO organization realizes that a new version of ISO 9001 should not be expected in 3 years. However, this should not stop anyone from integrating ideas considered relevant into the context analysis now and adapting the quality management system accordingly. After all, the goal should always be to make the existing quality management system work maximally for one's organization.
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